Endlich kam ich mal wieder dazu einen neuen Post zu machen. Das ist zwar ein Look den ich genau so auch in der Uni tragen konnte, aber eigentlich passte mein Messy-Look danach ganz gut zu dem Outfit.
Wie ihr vielleicht schon seit Beginn meines Blogs gemerkt habt trage ich so gut wie nur Hollister Jeans. Ich liebe einfach ihren Schnitt. Wobei ich in letzter Zeit auch sehr gerne Hosen von Zara trage, diese sind aber leider immer ein kleines bisschen zu kurz für meine Beine... Tjaja für diese Probleme werden einige von euch mich sicher für verrückt erklären^^.
Das Oberteil habe ich schon gut 5 Jahre und habe es erst letztens in meinem Schrank wiedergefunden und seit dem auch gerne mal wieder angehabt. Manchmal lohnt es sich also doch das ein oder andere Schmuckstück aufzuheben, aber im Großen und Ganzen sollte ich lieber anfangen Kleider aussortieren. Mein riesiger Kleiderschrank ist einfach am überlaufen ist :-D.
Finally I get to do a new post. I was walking around uni wearing this a whole day and thats why it looks a little messy (of course purposely ;-D).
As you might have noticed I am fond of Hollister Jeans, as they are the only ones which really fit me. I often got a lot of problems fitting in a lot of jeans out there. I know some of you might think: "What is that crazy lady talking about!" But yes it is true I really do have problems too ;).
As for example I adore Zara Jeans, but they are just too short for my legs...
Well for now I will stop bitching about Jeans and get back to what I wore!
The shirt is actually quite old I found it hidden in my closet recently and wore it a few times since.
Yep it is true from time to time it is good to have kept something but I have to be honest with you guys: I really don't like to give my clothes away. There is this secret bonding between me and some of the things that just can't be broken :D. Well at least this is what I am thinking^^.
I hope you have a great week! Talk to you soon.
lovely pictures girl love it! and the bag is lovely 2! lots of love www.rachelkromdijk.nl
ReplyDeleteThis look is really great ;) Especially your boots and hairdo ;)
ReplyDeletei love this casual look :) the ripped jeans add the perfect touch of edginess to this outfit
ReplyDeletePerfect look ♥
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog http://fashionaddiction-style.blogspot.com/
very nice top
I love it to wear such looks! You look beautiful, fresh and really happy :) Amazing pictures <3
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
This is gorgeous! Perfect look xx
Hi Nicola!!! I like very much your casual outfit....especially your ripped jeans!!!! Kisses from Italy,
Great Look !! love the boots ✌
lovely casual look... love the jeans and top and the boots were a perfect touch.x
You're so beautiful, love the post :)
ReplyDeletewww.paseandoamissreichel.com - Come and visit <3